Open adoption bloggers

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Thumbs up for Companies doing good.

      Fred Meyer reports that every year more than 80 billion pounds of food go to waste in the US. Fred Meyer has a zero waste program, where they help reduce food waste by feedin the hungry and helping farmers. Annually Freddy's donates 200 million meals to local food banks. Another portion goes to farmers to feed livestock and to compost. Fred Meyer in their magazine invites us the homeowners to join by reducing food waste at our own homes. Check out for simple tips for preventing food waste.
     Kroger has a long history of hiring folks from the special needs community granting them dignity and a place to use the skills they do have. We were in QFC the other day and noted that they have begun to hire folks with physical limitations. Both employees we noted had walking challenges one was in a wheel chair, yet he was doing his best with the company broom.
      I know there are more companies out there doing good. City team is in Portland helping homeless folks feel and look good. Way to go City team.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

I need help

      No one can do life alone and it is a scary place to be feeling like life is being done alone. I don't like to do life alone and I am uncertain as to where I fit in the scheme of things. There is no cure for stupid that is for sure. What a beautiful gift-too beautiful for my heart to behold and things moved so fast and I moved so slow. It had been so long since I'd played. One better doesn't work for the person who has the alcoholic like tendencies.
     One can lead a horse to water but it cannot make it drink. But can one still lead the horse? Didn't Jesus say the shepherd had 99 sheep and one lost. The shepherd looked for that sheep until he found it. I can identify with the lost sheep cause I have come to realize that I was/am completely lost.

A Silver lining on a lovely day

A silver lining on a lovely day

Conversation in the car
Junior, "Mom, do I have a step mom?"
Mom, "No, you have a birthmom."
Junior, "Oh good cause step mom are not good"
Little lady, "What are you called then the adoptive mom?"
Mom, "Yes, that is what I am called"
Junior, "No, you're called the awesome mom!"

Makes me want to kiss him all over his face, but he'd yell Mommmmmmmmm! So, I tuck that in my heart. I love that boy like a rabbit loves to run!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

What a beautiful country we call home

     The ground is wet from rain in the night. The morning sun glistens on the leaves. Squirrels run from tree to tree. The sisters smile over breakfast. The mother sneaks to the porch for a cigarette. The sun is shining brightly on this NW city as the birds sing a melody. The azealas are beginning to bloom purple and hot pink. The parents were smiling and waving. The staff was busy.  We are so blessed.

Let's remember to pray for those who are in desperate need, may God bring them hope.
Focus on the family was great today retelling a story of a girl who at one time was in desperate need and the God of hope found her delivered her and she has a story, a beautiful testimony.

Pray for the safety of innocent Israelies from terrorist rocket attacks and other threats.

How precious is your unfailing love, O God!
All humnaity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings.
You feed them (like the fish and loaves, or the birds) from the abundance of your own house.
For you are a fountain of life the light by which we see.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Just a question today

Share ways you have chosen to die to self so others might live. Thanks for your time.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Ephesians 1: 8&9

He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding. God's secret plan has now been revealed to us; it is a plan centered on Christ, designed long ago according to his good pleasure. 

A gospel saturated life matters. It possesses the whole soul and penetrates the heart. Lord penetrate me with your gospel.
The Good News found in Christ's life, death and ressurrection. It is the truth of what Christ has done for us. You cannot be the sacrafice for your sin, you have to believe. We are saved by the gospel if we hold onto it firmly. Jesus came to bridge the gap between you and people.  Doing things don't save us. Saving is all Jesus idea. We have nothing to bring to the table but our sin and need. He paid the penalty of the love I broke. Now, that is a Lord worthy of celebration, glory and honor.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

A man who passed

Just a moment to recognize an amazing life lived by a man who impacted my life with his vibrant love for enjoying life. A man with a bear hug and smile for you everytime you entered his home or he entered yours. He talked story and enjoyed a beverage with friends on a regular basis. His witness in my life helped me to stand up and walk when I would have rather crawled into a shell. He leaves behind many beautiful women in his life including a long time girlfriend, sister, 2 daughters and their spouoses and children. He was well loved.