Open adoption bloggers

Monday, February 28, 2011

Gleaning growth in a relationship

     It occurred to me today, while I was refereeing the cubbies as they played that if we choose righteousness over 'being right' someone else may have the opportunity to learn (glean) something new through the experience. Dancing cubbie knew her way would work while cruisin cubbie wanted desperately to be heard and try things another way in their play. This has been a long held pattern that we are guilty of supporting as we encouraged our younger child to look to his older sister for sound advice.
     In order to get dancing cubbie to show any respect for her brother in this play period required a time away from the play room to talk which was met with enormous rebellion. Ah....I know I've been there not wanting to give up my right to be right.
     Interestingly enough cruisin cubbie took it upon himself to leave the playroom as well and sat near dancing cubbie to "wait on her". Since, she was in no space near wanting to listen or compromise. I encouraged cruisin cubbie to continue to play. I joined him for a bit. This resulted in more misbehavior for attention by dancing cubbie, which was met by Grizzly. In the end, dancing cubbie's resistance broke. You know the face, only a mother could love. As she used my shoulder as her kleenex I noted that even I had an opportunity to grow as I comforted her and assured her that she was loved. Those of you who know me well know I dislike snot very much, even touching kleenex that's been used by others freaks me out, so being used as one hasn't been an option up to this moment.
     What I wanted my daughter to know at that moment in her brokenness was that it's through failure, weakness and neediness that we learn to rely on God.  I came to realize that true dependence isn't asking God to bless what we've decided to do. It is coming to the Lord with open heart and mind, inviting him to plant his desires within us. When he infuses us with a dream so far beyond our reach. One we know we can't achieve alone thus begins our journey of profound reliance on Christ.
     In the moment when asking dancing cubbie to consider cruisin cubbie's ideas, it simply seemed the right thing to do. Especially in the light of the call that we are to practice putting other's needs above our own. As the day progressed I was able to see that this experience was a form of gleaning in a relationship which was an answer to prayer.
     Then, as I wrote this I remembered a sweet memory from the day prior where cruisin cubbie asked,
     "Mom, do I have wisdom"
     "Yes, cubbie some."
     " I think I need more."
     "All you have to do is ask Jesus"
     And this led cruisin cubbie to pray the sweetest, heart felt prayer requesting more wisdom" As I reflected on all of this information I am humbled how my son is willing to 'wait on' his older sister just like Jesus the gentleman, he doesn't push himself on anyone and he doesn't push from behind. He sits with and hopes even after he's been mistreated by the person he's waiting on. I am so thankful for the lessons the Lord teaches us through our children!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Drop the ball

     "You are my friends if you obey me. I no longer call you servants because a master doesn't confide in his servants. Now, you are my friends, since I have told you everyting the Father told me. You didn't choose me, I chose you! I appointed you to go and produce fruit that will last, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. I command you to love each other." (Niv bible)
     Wow! 4 lines that could take a life time to fully appreciate, but isn't that the way of the bible full of richness beyond what we can fully comprehend. Now, this verse gets me thinking about relationships. Ours to the Son, the Son to the Father, the wife to the husband, the siblings, family members, friend to friend
and the saved to the unsaved.
      Yes, to the saved...... Jesus chose us. We didn't choose him.  When he chose us he appointed us to go...produce fruit that will last. Sounds good, but in practice it can be grueling. Consider that last disagreement we've had with anyone or try to forgive someone who has so wronged us, or the mistreatment to us by those living in the world.
     When my cubbies get in a power struggle, we often tell them someone has to 'drop the ball'.  If we are playing ball with someone and they throw that ball too hard at us we can always drop the ball and walk away from the game to keep the peace. Just as if we are arguing with someone we can drop the ball, walk away and not respond.
     I learned this a number of years ago in a different way, I read when being stuck by the barbs of someone's harsh words if you don't squeal they will stop sticking you..(yes, I was the pig so easily stuck and I was tired of being the pig!) So, I tried this in my most provoking relationship and you know what I got a greater degree of respect from the one who used to stick me for fun. Of course, when I initially quit squealing there was another reaction which included an agressive entrance into my personal space. By the power of the Holy Spirit and his promise "I have conquered the world and deprived it of the power to harm you." I stood my ground without retaliation and held on to "I am trusting you Jesus." You know what, it was the agressor who took a step back and peace was had by both of us. Now, that is fruit that will last.
     I like the last line which is to those of us who claim friendship with the one who calls us his isn't a suggestion it is a command..."I command you to love each other." This again is sometimes easier to hear than to follow through with actions. This is something liberating I learned from the Emmaus walk to be honest in our prayers...sometimes we have to confess to the Lord that we really don't like his children...those he's called us to serve. Sometimes they are difficult, sometimes they push us to grow and we don't like it, sometimes they think they know something more than maybe what we already have learned but God has asked us to love and forgive not slap the one who exalts themselves over us.  "I am trusting you Jesus!" And the great news is that "You oh Lord have overcome the world and deprived it of the power to harm me."

Lord, what does leaving a portion unplowed for gleaners look like today?

     This week in bible study we learned that as Christians we are to leave a portion of our fields unplowed and allow them to be gleaned by those who need. I was left to wonder what that would look like in my life and had the boldness to come to the Lord's throne of grace and ask him what does that mean for me here today? Well, I think he answered a portion of that question in the past two days. Thursday morning while in prayer and devotional time, I was keenly aware that I needed to leave some time open this week to just be, to just hang out with my family without an agenda. The only time this week that was a possibility was Saturday til 5:30ish. So, I said "Lord no matter what is offered I promise to leave Saturday open for this longing in my soul."
     Later thursday afternoon, my friend Lady Di called to say, "I have these 4 tickets to the theater, I will give them to your family so you can go to the theater." I was so grateful she thought of us I said, "We'd love them." Then, I remembered my promise and that Grizz;y wouldn't be able to join us because he will be leaving before 6 to dine with friends for his birthday celebration. I recanted my former statement and explained the situation thanking her for thinking of us in the first place. I was honored she had considered us for this neat gift.
     Then, today Grizzly and dancing cubbie were going to go a father daughter dance tonight. However, dancing cubbie ended up with a fever that kept her home from school. If we miss school, we miss fun activities after school too. I had planned for cubbie bear to go on a play date with friends while another friend(Nanax4) was planning on blessing me with tickets to the Lincoln Brewster concert. It is Grizzly's birthday today! Well, since his plans were cancelled, I didn't think it would be a good plan to leave him with no party and sick kids on his birthday. So, Nanax4 called me minutes before I was going to call her to tell her of my plan to not go. The good news is that she had others waiting in line to glean the ticket.
     So, today I have a clearer understanding of what gleaning means in my life as far as staying socially active with events. I am interested in how that looks with relationships, ministry, family etc. By choosing not to plow to the edge of my social activity field at least 5 other people will experience blessing this week. I can see if I step back in service that others will have an opportunity to expand and serve. I see if I can't get back to this or that friend that God has them covered and it may allow someone to expand a relationship with someone else who can meet a need differently or better than I could meet a need. It seems like a humbling act that would bring great peace to one's life. As well as allow others to have some of the harvest.....if all of us Christians were honorable and chose not to plow our entire fields do you think it would allow the Lord to fed the hungry, heal the broken hearted and set some of the captives free?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Relinquishing the right to be 'right'

     Tonight my Grizzly Bear came in from work and dancing cubbie says, "Dad, what's wrong with your eye?"
    I go to investigate and his eyes are goopy and red. So, I inquire,
     "Are you going to go to the Doctor?" asked with concern.
     "They are closed" he responds
      "Urgent care is open" I am hopeful.
       "I'll be fine."
      Well, this left me uneasy and a bit angry. Now those of you who know me well know this is a challenging area for me that I have been working on for a number of years. With the help of the Holy Spirit leading me in wisdom I prayed...."Lord I need peace or loose my tongue to say what needs to be said."  Well, he loosed my tongue, firmly but kindly without pressure. Without going into details, when I finished speaking I had complete peace. I said what needed to be said and relinquished the right to be right. Now read on to see how the Lord blessed the rest of the evening.
     A bit later I needed to clean the restrooms, as I'd been gone 4 days, on the Emmaus walk and have a 5 year old son. Enough said.
     I passed Grizzly in the cubbies restroom while searching for the scrubbing bubbles. Something about scrubbing bubbles makes cleaning bathrooms almost fun! I know not the best for the environment, but if it helps motivate me to keep those bathrooms clean, I say Getter Done. Grizzly was washing his eyes with water. I asked if he'd tried eye drops. He said he tried my rewetting solution for contacts to no avail. I shared I didn't think that would work he'd probably need something like Visine. Then, proceeded to hunt down the scrubbing bubbles.
     As I began cleaning the downstairs bathroom, it occurred to me we didn't have any Visine. Grizzly passed the doorway and I called to him.
      Looking directly into his face I asked, "Do you want me to go to the store for Visine or something like that for your eyes?" He let me serve him this way. In the Spirit of Agape, which was another big lesson from Emmaus, by the Grace of God at 70% off the original price,  I found a heart shaped box full of Whitman's chocolates that sang, "You're still the One".  Just two weeks, ago Grizzly had mentioned we should get Motown for our music collection because we both like it. As with most things, we have bi-polar interests in music. He listens primarily to AC/DC, Pink Floyd and the like, I listen to primarily Christian music and let's not forget tons of kiddie songs.  If you could have seen his smile and face shine bright like the sun as the box of chocolates sang to him. It was totally worth not being right! An added bonus is the bathrooms are shinning too.


     I just had the most lovely experience as a pilgrim in the Greater Dayton Walk to Emmaus. I came away with so much and am still processing much of what I heard, saw and experienced. I will tell you this our Lord is a gentleman, he does not push himself on us. What a blessing that is.  He meets us where we are at and he woos us. And because of this I declare: As for me, when I am poor and feeling heavy, your help, O Lord, will lift me up. I wait patiently, trusting that you will lift me up.      This experience was like a great housekeeping experience. You know those dust bunnies in the corners behind the furniture (good things in your heart) well the Holy Spirit did some sweeping. I woke to realize that He honored a prayer from months ago, when I confessed I didn't know how to move shame out of my heart. He moved it and I am surrounded by a host of witnesses who are praying that I leave it in his capable hands. 
     An Emmaus walk is a personal journey into a deeper relationship with our Lord and Savior. I encourage anyone seeking a more intimate walk with our Lord to consider an Emmaus Walk. In a year, I would be honored to sponsor you.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Psalm 25:4 Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths.
     The seasons are changing from Winter to Spring. Spring is full of new life waiting to blossom. I see buds all around. Life is seasonal. There is a time and a season for everything. I can't do everything at once, nor should I. The questions at this point in my life is what should I be doing? I understand that I am in a season of life now where I definitely want to be working in the right fields. Teach me the best pathway for my life Lord.
     Jesus did not heal everyone. He did not meet the needs of all the poor or cast out all demons. I cannot meet every need I am aware of, I cannot exploit every opportunity. Shew me the fields you want me to tend dear Lord.
      The goal of the world in regards to life management is to enable us to do more in less time. It is all around us from fast food, microwaves, ready made meals, drive through banking, children writing 6 sentence paragraphs in first grade, teach your baby to read, kindergarten's graduating (no matter how cute it is to see those little pumpkins wearing a cap and gown shouldn't that remain a right of passage?) But is this necessarily a desirable goal? Perhaps we need to get less done, but the right things in the right seasons.
     Two years ago, I was moved to pray for foster children who age out of the system without the foundation of a permanent family. In the past two years, I have seen God's hand move allowing me to meet foster parents and parents waiting to add another child to their families.  Yesterday, the Lord showed me through my friend who fosters the life of a child whose life could be one of constant transition without the permanence of family to support and be his biggest fan. I have volunteered to work in the field of this child's life and I wonder if God would like to provide care for more children within our community by beginning the foster care process. We may be far from perfect over here in the land of the Grizzlies, however we do have a strong foundation and family all by the gracious favor of our Lord and Savior. Papa Bear is full of the most joy when he is surrounded by his cubbies and their friends, albeit he doesn't see it yet. The smile on his face reflects his joy in those moments. I, too love having many voices sitting around our table and when my friends children come to visit 5 or more at a time and surround our table with smiles, happy hearts and stories from their day it doesn't get any better than that. Shew me thy way Lord, teach me thy me to work in the fields with ground ready to receive the seeds that will produce a fruitful harvest and may you guide me to emptying my silos properly when I am called to do so. Praise God for he is Lord of the Harvest!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Life Purpose Statement

     I want to live my life purposely, regularly reviewing and praying over my purpose in life, radically loving God, cherishing and inspiring my husband and children, praying for them and keeping spiritually connected with my family, loving others and seeking to lay spiritual foundations in their lives.
     I want to live faithfully, believing God for what I cannot see. I want to believe that God can do in my children's lives what I cannot do.
     I want to live creatively, creating beauty and warmth in my home, around my table and in my areas of service.
     I want to lvie paradoxically, I want to go against my selfish nature, against culture giving more than I feel like and going the 2nd mile to be like Jesus.

With Thanksgiving

     Do you ever fret with anxiety? I worry way too much. I am constantly seeking the Lord's grace in this area of my life. I take my worries to his feet, yes I pray. But something happens where thoughts bombard me and worry attempts to sneek back into my life and steal my joy. It drives me crazy! Hear some good news: "Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand." So, after I take all my worries to him in prayer asking him for what I need (peace) to keep that peace I am to thank him for all he has done and then I will experience God's peace, which I can assure you is wonderful. It is interesting to me how often the Good Lord has had to reteach me this lesson again and again in life. I thank Him for being full of grace, patient and full of loving kindness. I thank Him for drawing me to himself again and again.