Open adoption bloggers

Monday, April 25, 2011

Humbled by the King!

     Ok, so a week after practically congratulating myself for being open to and respectful to other's faith another AMAZING THING HAPPENED. The Lord put me in my place! Last week at Dancing cubbies school there was a concert she sang in, as did the majority of her class. There is a little girl in her class whom I will call the Scientist, (I think she'd like it and it is a future blessing for her)
    The Scientist used to be very apprehensive toward me in kindergarten but over time she has become a cheerleader with smiles and joy filled greetings to me. Earlier in the year, I had the privilege to meet her parents. The Little Scientist's Mom held me at arms length. After the concert, I waved to the Scientist's mom getting that apprehensive reaction I used to get from the Scientist.
     My ah ha moment,  I realized that I have failed on all fronts to be loving and open to others. When Dancing cubbie started Kindergarten she wanted to understand where she belonged. Most of her friends were Muslim, so she came home and said she was going to convert to be like her friends. We had a long discussion about things. But I realize in a moment of terror, before I calmed down and thought things through that I stupidly, shared the 9-11 story and said the Muslim's did that to our country. Even if it was an extremist group it wasn't right for me to put all Muslim's in that group (of people wanting to hurt Americans).
      So, this week Jesus took me to the tomb of that reality-that part of me that was walking in darkness, my judgement to the Scientist and her family.
     As the two women walked to the tomb, they looked in (I sat with that for a while and it hasn't felt good) and immediately ran from there fearful and excited(I walked away mentally from overthinking it). Along the way they met Jesus.(I am so grateful he forgives me and that he showed me the truth) (the bible story is found  in all four Gospels) When we look in the tomb, we must run from there and along the way Jesus will meet us. It is the running away from the tomb that demonstrates our faith.
     I am sure that as Cubbie came home and shared so much of what she learned socially with me. The scientist went home telling her mom what she learned at school as well. Nice job jingly! Not a shinning moment. Anyway, this I know about the Scientist's mom, though she may never choose to have a trusting relationship with me, she has been gracious and kind to my daughter, never once encouraging her to be anything than she already is a Christian.

Monday, April 18, 2011

This hot head says, "Always best to wait upon the Lord"

     A word regarding my last blog.....I found the courage to address the woman from the bus stop whom by the way I adore. Yes, I have bi-polar emotions often. I adored her before last week's incident. Anyway, she was very apologetic and genuinely felt horrible-she had tears and may have wept if I didn't offer a healthy dose of Christ's grace. Last week Friday, I'd been going over this all day in my head how to address this issue. Near the end of the day, I realized that I was trying to control things. I didn't end up going to the bus stop that day because cubbie was a car rider. So, I confessed and asked God to provide what was needed in this situation because he knew her heart and the way to his will much better than me.  I also prayed before I left for the bus stop today.
      This is what I learned that in her country of origin which she has only been here a number of years, it is rare that orphans are adopted. If you do adopt you are not allowed to give the child your last name. Orphans don't get a birth certificate so they can't get a job and they are left to remain true orphans throughout their lives. Kinda like the caste society in India, you're stuck at the bottom. So, our unity agreed that this culture would change by the power of our Great God!
     This is a true test of sisters standing together who don't see eye to eye on some things. She is Muslim and I am Christian. If you are the least bit worried about me I encourage you to check out the book Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albolum as a Jewish man and a Christian Pastor work together to transform a community by respecting each other's differences. We can do this too. God did not give us a Spirit of Fear but of power, love and a sound mind. If I hope to be forgiven for my bi-polar emotions (the anger that has been so passionate) and for my judgement regarding a culture and religion that is very different than mine. I must learn to walk as Jesus.
     He did point out others sin's to them as he needed to do so but he abides with people much more. He was respectful of the priests in the church for years before he ever said hey, look I've had enough of this wrong teaching. In three days..... He did get testy with the money changers quickly, but the zealots, the priests,  his followers, think of Judas, he let them be who they were and loved them all the same without speaking to the issues until the appointed time. He didn't condemn Judas he just said I know what you are going to do, do it. He knows all our sins, but he doesn't ask us to throw people's differences or sins in their faces to get them to face them. He doesn't need us for that. He is capable of taking us to the tomb and asking us to look. What he asks us to do is to look in, and run from there. In that obedience he will meet us on the road and help us along the way.
     Now another thing to consider, I just learned this the other day and I have yet to read the Koran to test it. So, I am trusting that Suzanne's study has been thorough and was given to me at the appointed time. Mohamed went to the caves and a spirit came to him and called himself Gabriel. He was tortured by this Spirit. He went to his wife. She said go see my relative, whom by the way was a Christian. The Christian was so thrilled that it was Gabriel that he didn't test the spirit, as the bible teaches and it must not have registered that Mohamed was tortured.  He instructed Mohamed to go tell his people what the Spirit said and this has become a stone in the religion of Islam.
     Now this I know Christ calls me to love not judge. He also calls whom he chooses to be his. It is not my choice, call or judgement. IF the Muslims were mislead and a Christian was supposed to have been the one to protect their faith by instructing Mohamed not to share what that spirit said. I think it would be that same spirit trying to separate us through judgement. Also the great God I serve promised even the stones would cry out if his people who are called by his name would pray, if were judging we are a stone, if we are a praying we are his people called by his name.
      Also, if we have Muslims brothers and sisters, God calls us to love isn't it better to listen and know them than to ostracize them? I think what happened today at the bus stop has me answering beyond a shadow of a doubt Yes!

King of the Nations

      Fear tells us to ostracise not love! So, I have known at least 2 Muslim women who have been so very gracious to me. I have never felt pressure to convert to their religion or do things the way they do. I am unwilling to force my beliefs on these dear ladies however, if I am ever asked the reason for my hope. My answer will be Jesus. I have been honored by their appreciation of the gift of hospitality God has granted me to be used for His service. Each woman has baked for my family. One entered my church to deliver the food. Both have been witnesses of our adoptions and find our choice to adopt across cultures to be honorable. I think God is speaking louder through my family than any words I could say. The 2nd woman I know was from years ago, all I know is that she would be one of the first in line to give Christ a drink or something to wear when he was naked. In doing this at the right moment she acknowledged Christ. Maybe she didn't go in front of the church and confess before everyone but her action was in a society where people saw what she did, just like the woman who broke the alabaster jar and Jesus told his followers to chill, she knew what was right. Is our God that big? King of the Nations, so an action done in the city streets, a restaurant or the library has a crowd of witnesses much like a church. Where did we get this idea you are only saved if you go to church, go to the front etc... Jesus wasn't in the synagogue for long during his ministry. He was in the streets and throughout the countryside. Let's keep Jesus out of the box and trust that he truly has the whole world in his hands.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

One simple act

     Remember when Jesus feed the 5,000+. I say plus because history reports there were most likely as many women and children following Jesus as men. A little boy had a few fish and some loaves. Jesus took it and multiplied it. The real gift was the boys willingness to offer his lunch. Like the little boy, we need not be ashamed of bringing our small lunch to Jesus. When people think of generosity most often they think of grand gestures and sweeping acts of charity. But when Jesus gave us an example, he focused on just one simple act. If we are willing to hold our resources with an open hand there is no telling how far Jesus can multiply what we offer.
     Now here is the thing I read a story about Betty who gave a clerk $ to pay for another woman's groceries after the other woman had left to go to the bank. The clerk explained that most people don't come back because they are ashamed. Betty insisted on paying. The clerk asked why? Betty explained that she had been in the other woman's position one time wondering how she was going to pay for groceries for 7 on a budget of $109. And she gave now because she was grateful for all God had given her. The clerk rang the groceries and said, "I want to know more about God" That is when it hit Betty that nudge to express this act of generosity wasn't for the woman who went to the bank but for the clerk.
     The small simple acts I am challenged to do daily such as forgiving or being kind when I'd rather pummel others for their ignorance or arrogance. For instance like today, I am at the bus stop with my son, who is adopted. One of the mother's says regarding a discussion that came up about adopted children, " Well they weren't wanted by their own family." So, I explain to the woman there are many reasons children are surrendered. Really do we really not get it?? Mess with my kids and I want to rip yer head off and stuff it down your neck and I know it's not Christian like but it is honest mommy! This nut didn't fall far from the tree, yes that is my Dad's voice and you know what I like it! At least, he is honest, albeit not always correct(none of us is) but not pretencious. Love ya Dad!
     Adoption is a fact of life. Children are born out of wedlock and surrendered, they are born into poverty, they are born to parents who died during or before childbirth, they are born into homes where for one reason or another(mental illness, chronic illness, illness which will result in death) They have been born girl's when a boy was wanted. They have been the result of rape. They are being born into homes where birth control failed and Dad has been out of work for years and barely is able to feed the mouths around the table or to the mother who experiences post par tum(who in my opinion is very wise to consider adoption, if she doesn't have family support) or the drug addicted or the woman being trafficked or abused and she hopes for a better life for the child she gave birth to. Come on America and it's immigrants wake up! Just because we don't understand something doesn't give us the right to reject those involved in and with adoption stories. 
     So, here is what I think: Jesus set the example. One small act -be open, hold loosely all that's been given by God to us, and watch what he'll do. For me, I know part of my mission is to be open to women who are oppressed. Oppression takes many forms poverty, abuse, drugs, prostitution, believing lies about oneself, ignorance. Bottom line is I may want to rip someone a new one, but God has commanded me to love and forgive....I don't always want to do what he wants. I have been known to wrestle with God. It's no contest, he is bigger, he is more gracious and more everything than I will ever begin to understand. But this I know he sent us here to love NOT JUDGE! So, I withdraw from wanting to stuff this fine lady's head down her neck and step back and watch what God will do next with this small loaf.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Good News!

      Don't bring out the party hats yet but lets rejoice in knowing the judge has ruled that K can stay in Ohio! We can party when the fat lady sings so to speak. We have to wait for the dotted line to be signed, the i's dotted and t's crossed. Thank you Lord for blessing this family for their devotion to you and their willingness to put it all on the line for what is right for the orphans! Win, lose or my friend Cheri have taught me a valuable lesson about going all the way for the cause. I appreciate you, your ministry, and your devotion.  I know you think it is I helping you but you are truly the one who showed me what Jesus would do through your actions and in your moments of weakness. In Jesus weakness he held on, and he asked others to pray and so did you. I thank you for allowing me to be part of the journey. I am pleased to call you friend.

Confessions from a grateful heart

     In everything give thanks
     Many of you know my all time favorite Christian role model is Corrie Ten Boom. Her sister Bestie read this in Thessalonians while they were incarcerated in a flea infested shack that was filled with 1,400 women but was only supposed to fit 400.  Betsie encouraged Corrie to thank God for everything including the fleas. Well, Corrie thought Betsie a bit deft at that prayer and plea. But turns out the reason the girls bible was never confiscated, or they were never brutally punished for their bible, and that they were able to eventually have bible study with many women in the hell hole was because the guards refused to enter the shack due to the fleas.    
     So, now for my confession: Yesterday, I called Sara to say, "We only have this Wednesday available to bowl if we are going to pre-bowl." So, off Sara goes to call and make arrangements. A couple hours later Dancing cubbie comes home with a note that her art work was a teacher's choice to be shown at the school art/craft show. (Which by the way she had signed up to be part of by creating independent projects at home.  This happened with lots of drama but that is another story. One that I had gone out of my way to provide her the opportunity.) Anyway, the date of the art show which I'd failed to put on the calendar was Wednesday. Ugh!
     So, here is where I failed to appreciate the grace of God in the moment. He reminded me about an important event. Instead of recognizing it my brain went into hyper drive about being irresponsible, inconveniencing others, not having the tools to be able to do these things.
      Today, I have said thank you Lord for when I am weak you are strong. Thank you for friends that don't put unrealistic expectations on me and that weren't the least bit bothered by the fact we couldn't make it to pre-bowl. Thank you for a husband who was willing to call our teammates and accept me for better or worse. One who doesn't judge me when I make mistakes but really knows how to come along side me and make me stronger! Thank you for reminding me yesterday, today and one day last week about things I needed to attend to. God really does go before us, walk with us and have our backs. Even when we don't see it we just need to keep thanking him. Even for the fleas in life.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ramblings of mother/wife

     Today, I registered our youngest cubbie bear for kindergarten. How time flies. Everyone says the youngest is the hardest but that was not my experience. I had a harder time with the unknown of things when registering our eldest for school. Today, was old hat or at least familiar ground. Most assuredly it helped to see my friend Nancy behind the registration table. I think it will be more challenging taking him to school for testing and then for the first day. This past year he was so ready and excited for pre-school. Now, he just wants to stay home with me all day.
     Beyond registration, I am cleaning up the remnants from our eldest's 7th birthday party. Then, on to planning to meet with the Master thespian to practice the puppet show we will performing for the children's Easter program.
    Our family loves to have time together alone. We also love getting together with friends and taking part in our day to day responsibilities (work,volunteering and school) but time together just the 4 (or 6 counting the pets) is something we all desire. My goal has been to keep a day of rest and a mid-week evening open just for family. It is such a challenge to keep this tradition solid. So, often this or that comes up and requires we fudge just a little and I think most families find this to be a similar story in their own lives. My husband is really good about wanting/needing this family time and after all these years together I finally get it. I feel it.... the stretch on us as a unit when we don't get that time together. This past week was one of those weeks. No day of rest and no mid-week time just us. Everything seems so rushed and crammed in  and one of my sponsors from the Emmaus walk just asked how I was doing in this area.
      A couple new factors to consider, Papa Bear has a new position which has him working a little longer each day. This time away has taken a toll on our family. So, we must adjust. Overall, I thought we'd done pretty good balancing our week. I still think we did pretty good but what do you do about going out to play and ending up with neighbors playing with you in the yard? We don't want to be rude. I wish we lived in the country! Our yard is an extension of our home, yet the neighbors have more access to us. An impromptu play date is nothing for those young 20 something parents, who can still burn the candle at both ends, but for we mid-40ers one little play date can be the difference between staying connected and being stretched too thin. I want to be social and neighborly but I don't want to lose my family only time.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Awesome Faithfulness

     It has been a while since I've had time to sit at the computer to write. I have so many things to say today and so little time before picking up cubbie from school. Let me start with how good and faithful God is everyday! The Lord has meet me at a few critical points of need this week. My first was when I asked him to step in because it seemed I'd stepped in something without realizing it. I had attended a meeting that ran long and I missed the cue to lead and leave. I hope the other ladies weren't feeling as exhausted as I on Tuesday morning.
     Tuesday was a big shopping day to prepare for dancing cubbies birthday celebration. One of the items I needed for the party were "green bags". You know the kind you can purchase and reuse again and again. Well, our pared down list has 16 children coming to the party. So, I didn't want to do plastic, by now you must know I am a "granola", "tree hugging, burkenstock wearing, organic gardening girl." as my hubby so lovingly pointed out early in our relationship. In our early years, it used to bug me because all the other granolas we knew were marajuana smoking too and that I was not. Not that I am a purist, for in my youth I succumbed to temptation, but "it was not for me," as all or one of the Bear family members say often, usually the cubbies when regarding the vegetables on their plates because they are green. Is it too much to hope they will feel the same way about marajuana one day cause it's green? I digress big time. Anyway, at the one store I found the bags for $ .85 but I was not led to purchase them. I just wasn't feeling it.
     On the way out of the parking lot I was praying that God would allow me to find the bags at 2 for $1.00.  I turned the wrong direction out of the parking lot and thought why did I do this. I decided since I was headed this direction to add one more stop to our journey. We went by the dollar general. Where I picked up toilet paper that was right by the entry, that I would have forgotten otherwise and it's a good thing to remember what the hubby asks you to do when it isn't that often he asks for assistance. Thank the Lord again. We took a quick puruse around the store and I was like "is that all I was here for Lord?" I checked out and went to back out the door and hold it for Gabe when there by the entry on the other side were the bags I wanted for 2 for $1.00.
The clerk thought I was weird and wacky for cleaning her out of bags and this led to me telling her about God's faithfulness. He sets the stage, all we have to do is show up and thank him for the lines he will give us. AWESOME! I will have to wait to share the stove/oven story for next time as it is time to publish and get cubbie from school. In all our ways acknowledge him and he will make our paths straight!