It has been a while since I've had time to sit at the computer to write. I have so many things to say today and so little time before picking up cubbie from school. Let me start with how good and faithful God is everyday! The Lord has meet me at a few critical points of need this week. My first was when I asked him to step in because it seemed I'd stepped in something without realizing it. I had attended a meeting that ran long and I missed the cue to lead and leave. I hope the other ladies weren't feeling as exhausted as I on Tuesday morning.
Tuesday was a big shopping day to prepare for dancing cubbies birthday celebration. One of the items I needed for the party were "green bags". You know the kind you can purchase and reuse again and again. Well, our pared down list has 16 children coming to the party. So, I didn't want to do plastic, by now you must know I am a "granola", "tree hugging, burkenstock wearing, organic gardening girl." as my hubby so lovingly pointed out early in our relationship. In our early years, it used to bug me because all the other granolas we knew were marajuana smoking too and that I was not. Not that I am a purist, for in my youth I succumbed to temptation, but "it was not for me," as all or one of the Bear family members say often, usually the cubbies when regarding the vegetables on their plates because they are green. Is it too much to hope they will feel the same way about marajuana one day cause it's green? I digress big time. Anyway, at the one store I found the bags for $ .85 but I was not led to purchase them. I just wasn't feeling it.
On the way out of the parking lot I was praying that God would allow me to find the bags at 2 for $1.00. I turned the wrong direction out of the parking lot and thought why did I do this. I decided since I was headed this direction to add one more stop to our journey. We went by the dollar general. Where I picked up toilet paper that was right by the entry, that I would have forgotten otherwise and it's a good thing to remember what the hubby asks you to do when it isn't that often he asks for assistance. Thank the Lord again. We took a quick puruse around the store and I was like "is that all I was here for Lord?" I checked out and went to back out the door and hold it for Gabe when there by the entry on the other side were the bags I wanted for 2 for $1.00.
The clerk thought I was weird and wacky for cleaning her out of bags and this led to me telling her about God's faithfulness. He sets the stage, all we have to do is show up and thank him for the lines he will give us. AWESOME! I will have to wait to share the stove/oven story for next time as it is time to publish and get cubbie from school. In all our ways acknowledge him and he will make our paths straight!
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