Open adoption bloggers

Monday, April 18, 2011

This hot head says, "Always best to wait upon the Lord"

     A word regarding my last blog.....I found the courage to address the woman from the bus stop whom by the way I adore. Yes, I have bi-polar emotions often. I adored her before last week's incident. Anyway, she was very apologetic and genuinely felt horrible-she had tears and may have wept if I didn't offer a healthy dose of Christ's grace. Last week Friday, I'd been going over this all day in my head how to address this issue. Near the end of the day, I realized that I was trying to control things. I didn't end up going to the bus stop that day because cubbie was a car rider. So, I confessed and asked God to provide what was needed in this situation because he knew her heart and the way to his will much better than me.  I also prayed before I left for the bus stop today.
      This is what I learned that in her country of origin which she has only been here a number of years, it is rare that orphans are adopted. If you do adopt you are not allowed to give the child your last name. Orphans don't get a birth certificate so they can't get a job and they are left to remain true orphans throughout their lives. Kinda like the caste society in India, you're stuck at the bottom. So, our unity agreed that this culture would change by the power of our Great God!
     This is a true test of sisters standing together who don't see eye to eye on some things. She is Muslim and I am Christian. If you are the least bit worried about me I encourage you to check out the book Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albolum as a Jewish man and a Christian Pastor work together to transform a community by respecting each other's differences. We can do this too. God did not give us a Spirit of Fear but of power, love and a sound mind. If I hope to be forgiven for my bi-polar emotions (the anger that has been so passionate) and for my judgement regarding a culture and religion that is very different than mine. I must learn to walk as Jesus.
     He did point out others sin's to them as he needed to do so but he abides with people much more. He was respectful of the priests in the church for years before he ever said hey, look I've had enough of this wrong teaching. In three days..... He did get testy with the money changers quickly, but the zealots, the priests,  his followers, think of Judas, he let them be who they were and loved them all the same without speaking to the issues until the appointed time. He didn't condemn Judas he just said I know what you are going to do, do it. He knows all our sins, but he doesn't ask us to throw people's differences or sins in their faces to get them to face them. He doesn't need us for that. He is capable of taking us to the tomb and asking us to look. What he asks us to do is to look in, and run from there. In that obedience he will meet us on the road and help us along the way.
     Now another thing to consider, I just learned this the other day and I have yet to read the Koran to test it. So, I am trusting that Suzanne's study has been thorough and was given to me at the appointed time. Mohamed went to the caves and a spirit came to him and called himself Gabriel. He was tortured by this Spirit. He went to his wife. She said go see my relative, whom by the way was a Christian. The Christian was so thrilled that it was Gabriel that he didn't test the spirit, as the bible teaches and it must not have registered that Mohamed was tortured.  He instructed Mohamed to go tell his people what the Spirit said and this has become a stone in the religion of Islam.
     Now this I know Christ calls me to love not judge. He also calls whom he chooses to be his. It is not my choice, call or judgement. IF the Muslims were mislead and a Christian was supposed to have been the one to protect their faith by instructing Mohamed not to share what that spirit said. I think it would be that same spirit trying to separate us through judgement. Also the great God I serve promised even the stones would cry out if his people who are called by his name would pray, if were judging we are a stone, if we are a praying we are his people called by his name.
      Also, if we have Muslims brothers and sisters, God calls us to love isn't it better to listen and know them than to ostracize them? I think what happened today at the bus stop has me answering beyond a shadow of a doubt Yes!

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