Open adoption bloggers

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Confessions from a grateful heart

     In everything give thanks
     Many of you know my all time favorite Christian role model is Corrie Ten Boom. Her sister Bestie read this in Thessalonians while they were incarcerated in a flea infested shack that was filled with 1,400 women but was only supposed to fit 400.  Betsie encouraged Corrie to thank God for everything including the fleas. Well, Corrie thought Betsie a bit deft at that prayer and plea. But turns out the reason the girls bible was never confiscated, or they were never brutally punished for their bible, and that they were able to eventually have bible study with many women in the hell hole was because the guards refused to enter the shack due to the fleas.    
     So, now for my confession: Yesterday, I called Sara to say, "We only have this Wednesday available to bowl if we are going to pre-bowl." So, off Sara goes to call and make arrangements. A couple hours later Dancing cubbie comes home with a note that her art work was a teacher's choice to be shown at the school art/craft show. (Which by the way she had signed up to be part of by creating independent projects at home.  This happened with lots of drama but that is another story. One that I had gone out of my way to provide her the opportunity.) Anyway, the date of the art show which I'd failed to put on the calendar was Wednesday. Ugh!
     So, here is where I failed to appreciate the grace of God in the moment. He reminded me about an important event. Instead of recognizing it my brain went into hyper drive about being irresponsible, inconveniencing others, not having the tools to be able to do these things.
      Today, I have said thank you Lord for when I am weak you are strong. Thank you for friends that don't put unrealistic expectations on me and that weren't the least bit bothered by the fact we couldn't make it to pre-bowl. Thank you for a husband who was willing to call our teammates and accept me for better or worse. One who doesn't judge me when I make mistakes but really knows how to come along side me and make me stronger! Thank you for reminding me yesterday, today and one day last week about things I needed to attend to. God really does go before us, walk with us and have our backs. Even when we don't see it we just need to keep thanking him. Even for the fleas in life.

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