Open adoption bloggers

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Good News!

      Don't bring out the party hats yet but lets rejoice in knowing the judge has ruled that K can stay in Ohio! We can party when the fat lady sings so to speak. We have to wait for the dotted line to be signed, the i's dotted and t's crossed. Thank you Lord for blessing this family for their devotion to you and their willingness to put it all on the line for what is right for the orphans! Win, lose or my friend Cheri have taught me a valuable lesson about going all the way for the cause. I appreciate you, your ministry, and your devotion.  I know you think it is I helping you but you are truly the one who showed me what Jesus would do through your actions and in your moments of weakness. In Jesus weakness he held on, and he asked others to pray and so did you. I thank you for allowing me to be part of the journey. I am pleased to call you friend.

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