Open adoption bloggers

Thursday, March 24, 2011


      I've been taking this composting class and most of what I learned I already knew. But, I found out that the soil here is more alkaline than I am used to working. So, now I am able to move forward and learn how to use this to my plants growing advantage.
     Now, I am not one who is lucky on give a ways, but last night I won a vermiculture bin. I was so excited. Woo hoo! Recycling was a huge topic in last night's class. The waste management facility sent over a representative. Did you know that waste management has only been in existence since 1957 in our area? I learned some things about my State that I didn't know and some things I know that make me sad and unhappy, partly because we have become so dependant on plastic and justify it's use even though the poisons emanated to break it down are no good for us and it can never be completely recycled. So why, do we use it? It saves us $$.  I'd like to commit to getting rid of plastic but then how would I do these blogs or drink milk for that matter. Anyway, I am starting this year with riding my home of things made from other countries. Unless I purchased them from there on a visit or someone else purchased them from there on a visit. Did you know that if each American purchased just $68- worth of American made products a year 200,000 jobs would be created here in the USA.
     Now, don't get me wrong I want other countries to prosper as well. I just don't want my country to lose it's value(s) because it sources out it's work. WE cannot be everything to everyone. Doesn't America become a prostitute by trying to become everything to everyone? Her value definitely is diminished and her fortresses are weakened. As the world has more and more conflict, we send our troops (I am pro-military) to cover problems as we let more non-Christians into our country some who would like to see America extinguished. So, if our strength is sourced out, our fortresses weakened and the enemy within our territory rises up against us we only have the good Lord to depend upon. Sometimes, pulling back is necessary to protect that which our forefathers worked so hard to provide for us.
     It is like the sign I read this week that said Education is earned not given. OF course that sign used other language but to simplify it. We can test and test, even teach to the test and students will still fail if they aren't willing to earn the education because if it is worth having it is worth working toward but you cannot change the apathy of another. And God have mercy on the one who thinks they know all the mysteries of Christ or that their brand of Jesus is better than how others see Jesus and are above being taught. You can lead horses to water but you cannot force them to drink. Yes, prayer changes things I highly encourage  and participate in it. But, bottom line is if we aren't willing to allow the the good news to work in our lives first, we remain a resounding gong. Sometimes the Lord will show us something in another's life that bugs us so much we think we need to fix it but our job isn't to change the other person it is to look at our own life and see where we can make that 2 degree change and more often than not what bugged us in the other person will remain no longer because what God was trying to teach us was resolved when we took care of it in our own life. When we have successfully done that then we have the platform of weakness through which Christ's strength can be glorified. When we are weak he is strong, but he also says wisdom is to be highly prized. Wisdom is that education that can only be learned through the journey.
     Which leads me to my favorite question that my accountability partners, close friends and I have begun to discuss, "How this week was your faith tested through failure?" You see I know I am a failure, without Christ I have nothing. The best news I received this morning is that even our mistakes and sins can be recycled into something good through MY Lord's transforming power. One more reason to love and not judge!

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