Bugs, Bugs get rid of the bugs.
Bugs in here, bugs in there.
Bugs, bugs everywhere.
Smash 'em, dash 'em
trash or thrash those thugs.
Just get 'em outta our home.
Bugs to the flowers, bugs to the gardens
bugs to the fields and the flowers
Bugs under ground for the winter
Food for the birds, food for the vole,
food for the fish, the frog, the turtle and other reptile
Entertainment in the spring as the electric fly swatter
or zapper awaits your buggy ways-or perhaps you prefer a winsheild on a car, motorcycle, train or truck- a semi is nice. I've eaten a few of you inadvertantly in my day as I raced down a hill on my bike trying to get away. A fire in the fire pit and
smoke in the air help keep you at bay and don't fret that you belong there.
For all God's creatures have a place in the choir and some sing lo and some sing higher
some sing out loud on the telephone wire, some just clap their hands or paws or
anything they got now.
The last line is borrowed from a song-called all God's creatures.
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