Open adoption bloggers

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Psalm 25:4 Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths.
     The seasons are changing from Winter to Spring. Spring is full of new life waiting to blossom. I see buds all around. Life is seasonal. There is a time and a season for everything. I can't do everything at once, nor should I. The questions at this point in my life is what should I be doing? I understand that I am in a season of life now where I definitely want to be working in the right fields. Teach me the best pathway for my life Lord.
     Jesus did not heal everyone. He did not meet the needs of all the poor or cast out all demons. I cannot meet every need I am aware of, I cannot exploit every opportunity. Shew me the fields you want me to tend dear Lord.
      The goal of the world in regards to life management is to enable us to do more in less time. It is all around us from fast food, microwaves, ready made meals, drive through banking, children writing 6 sentence paragraphs in first grade, teach your baby to read, kindergarten's graduating (no matter how cute it is to see those little pumpkins wearing a cap and gown shouldn't that remain a right of passage?) But is this necessarily a desirable goal? Perhaps we need to get less done, but the right things in the right seasons.
     Two years ago, I was moved to pray for foster children who age out of the system without the foundation of a permanent family. In the past two years, I have seen God's hand move allowing me to meet foster parents and parents waiting to add another child to their families.  Yesterday, the Lord showed me through my friend who fosters the life of a child whose life could be one of constant transition without the permanence of family to support and be his biggest fan. I have volunteered to work in the field of this child's life and I wonder if God would like to provide care for more children within our community by beginning the foster care process. We may be far from perfect over here in the land of the Grizzlies, however we do have a strong foundation and family all by the gracious favor of our Lord and Savior. Papa Bear is full of the most joy when he is surrounded by his cubbies and their friends, albeit he doesn't see it yet. The smile on his face reflects his joy in those moments. I, too love having many voices sitting around our table and when my friends children come to visit 5 or more at a time and surround our table with smiles, happy hearts and stories from their day it doesn't get any better than that. Shew me thy way Lord, teach me thy me to work in the fields with ground ready to receive the seeds that will produce a fruitful harvest and may you guide me to emptying my silos properly when I am called to do so. Praise God for he is Lord of the Harvest!

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